I turned off my mind, relaxed and flew downstream... I followed the White Rabbit… I saw a door… They said, “You might not like what’s behind the door”… I replied, “But I like the door-keeper”… I took the pill that makes me small… I walked through the door… I entered the Wonderland… I took the other pill that makes me lager… Then I went to a trip, Voyage 34… I took shelter in the Memory Motel … I stepped through the Ambivalence Avenue… I heard the Sound of Light when Dim… I experienced Ineffable Mysteries… On my way in trip I felt Safe in the Steep Cliffs… There I found the Stairway to Heaven… Climbing through the stairway I reached a highway, Highway to Hell… Suddenly I’d got a Bike… And the Echoes of the Rings of Division Bell made me Comfortably Numb… I Lost for Words to describe the beauty of Two Suns in the Sunset… I laid down all thoughts… Surrendered to the voids… As the night came I looked up at the sky… I saw a face of a lady, so serene… I was confused… Who was she? ... Alice… or Lucy??